Why have I never been to your blog before sarah?! i have discovered the most amazing treasure trove of hilarious and wonderful moments of your life. You've got a precocious little girl and she is just beautiful. I'll probably be saying the same things like 'you are on my last nerve' and i sure hope my girl has funny things to say to lighten the moment. You are amazing Sarah. Your blog is more addictive than cinnamon graham crackers.
Why have I never been to your blog before sarah?! i have discovered the most amazing treasure trove of hilarious and wonderful moments of your life. You've got a precocious little girl and she is just beautiful. I'll probably be saying the same things like 'you are on my last nerve' and i sure hope my girl has funny things to say to lighten the moment.
ReplyDeleteYou are amazing Sarah. Your blog is more addictive than cinnamon graham crackers.